Events are a very popular custom posts type in WordPress and customers need to export an event to their calendar. It can be Apple iCal or Google Calendar.
In this article, I will describe how to add events to your calendar (either Apple iCal or Google Calendar).
How to create Google Calendar link?
We will use PHP to implement the script.
Create a function make_google_calendar_link, which has the following parameters – name, begin, end, location, details.
Name – is the name of event. Begin – is the start date of event. End – is the end date of event. Location – is the location of event. Details – is the description of event.
Add a function makeAppleCalendar, which has the following parameters – name, begin, end, details, namefile.
Name – is the name of event. Begin – is the start date of event. End – is the end date of event. Details – is the description of event. Namefile – is the name of the file to be downloaded.
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